Friday, August 31

50s 'Mingo Wall Art!!

Just a quickie to show you my latest- a 50s metal flamingo wall art piece, woo hoo!!

I've been quietly obsessed with mid-century wall art for some time now, secretly hoping to stumble across a  Curtis Jere piece, but let's face it they simply don't exist in Australia!

So until I can go to America and ship a ridiculously huge amount of stuff home (and yes, that *is* on the cards, one day!), a locally-made must suffice. It's already on the wall above the red couch, and thanks to it being nearly 4 feet high, is filling up the space nicely!

Tuesday, August 28

Tart-Up Tuesday

Shush up the back please!!

Don't tell anyone I'm doing an outfit post on a Tuesday...out of character for me, I know, but isn't Tuesday really the most completely boring day of the week?!

All the more reason to frock up, I say!!

50s dress- shop stock
hat- ebay
brooch- heirloom
bracelet- ebay
lace gloves- West End vintage & designer markets
socks- Best & Less
shoes- thrifted, via Sue

Sunday, August 26

Girls' Own Big Weekend

It's been a big, busy weekend for VB and I. Yes, we're totally rockin' out here in the suburbs, the weather has suddenly improved this week, bringing with it a fresh surge of energy for all sorts of activities.

Since my 6-degree morning a couple of weeks ago, the heater has now been packed away, winter stock has been pulled from the racks and put into storage and my little sunroom, so cosy to inhabit during winter daytimes, is now almost unbearable after 9am and will continue to be so for the next 8 months.

Saturday morning saw a fair spot of vintage treasure hunting- and finding!

Above and below, just some of what I bought, minus the sunnies obvs.

My most exciting find was an old razor strop (on the basket behind the phone), they're not worth a lot but the lady I bought it from said it belonged to her father who had been a barber, and it was his all-time favourite.

With VB and Lisa Enright, photo by The Stitchin' Bitch

Still rockin' on Saturday night, we went to some far-off 'burbs for a (adults) roller skating birthday party. The old-style timber rink was awesome, to my mind so much better than the modern concrete equivalents. This was only VBs second time skating and she absolutely loves it, even insisting on entering the skating limbo comp, I wish I had a photo of us going under the bar as apparently she looked hilarious.

And yes, that *is* a chenille bedspread I'm wearing on my bum! I'll have to show this outfit properly later, it's a bit mental but then that's the whole point isn't it.

Painting started off our Sunday, VB 'helps' a lot as you can see, note the vegemite toast on the lawn!

Midday saw us run around the corner to a local school fete, I mostly went to meet the principal as I'm looking to send VB there next year (can you believe she's nearly 5?!) but VB took full advantage of the massive slide, so big you can hardly see her at the top there.

Ah yes, here she is, not scared at all, and still in the dress from last night. They tell me it's called 'choosing your battles wisely'.

Excuse the grainy iphone pics, but we had a lucky score with clothing on Friday, what we bought was hanging over the rack on the left, so it was time to spend a few hours hanging, pricing, steaming and properly sorting clothing stock, especially as the Brisbane Vintage Fashion Fair (our biggest) is coming up the weekend after next.

 The other side of the stockroom was equally busy!

As you can see, VB came home with several bags full of treats from the fete, the main prize to my mind being the fuzzy felts, I had several as a child and absolutely loved them. And yes, this is all tidy now.

Tired but happy

See you soon!

Thursday, August 23

Red Roar!

Red is the colour of ROAR!!!

I must be a tiger on the inside, as this is the second red 1950s dress I've bought in as many weeks.

I was thrilled to find this one, a true shelf bust wiggle dress, in my exact size.

I've had this fabulous rhinestone necklace stashed away for far too long, hoping to find the pieces it needs for repair. It's too lovely not to show off...and wearing beautiful red things always makes us feel more beautiful, doesn't it?

Why not make your weekend a special one? Go on, wear one of your treasures and make yourself feel beautiful.

1950s dress- ebay
Shoes- old, 90s
Jewellery- from the stash

Tuesday, August 21

Ta-Dah!...New Stuff For Me!

Remember that motherlode of costume jewellery last week?

Well, the above necklace is the one I kept. Best of all, it was gifted to me by the people handling the sale for being the best and fairest dealer that they sold to.

Also from the same estate, the most fabulous red typewriter EVER! I'm not even sure why I'm so desperately keeping this...I just AM.

This too was a gift, this time from Katherine of theoldboathouse. She knows I'm mad for little 50s dishes with the black 'hairpin legs' and kept this unusual one aside for me. Thanks so much for remembering and thinking of me Katherine!

For those that don't know I'm a fiend for anything black and white and 50s. This polka dot pottery was made in England by H.G. Woods in 1957 and features raised polka dots. Similar was made by Australian pottery Diana around the same time. Sue found this boomerang dish for me which is a welcome addition to my collection.

And the biggest ta-dah! of all, my first gravel art!! I spied this on the stall opposite ours at Greazfest the other week, and ran for it.

Of course it doesn't match anything in my house right now, but hey, since when did that stop me?!

What glorious finds have you dragged home this week?

Saturday, August 18

Local Artisan Feature: Mimsys Trailer Trash Tattoo

Pic taken by Sue at Greazefest 2011

Wouldn't you just love to step into this awesome 50s caravan for your next ink??

Welcome to the world of Mimsys Trailer Trash Tattoo.

This young tattoo artists name is up in (starburst!) lights these days, and deservedly so.

Describing her style as "a bit old skool, a bit new skool and a bit cute", Mimsys stunning work has built her a massive following both locally and interstate.

I'll get to the artwork shortly, but first let's take a look around her studio. After working from home for the past 14 years, sheer demand led Mimsy to create from scratch a massive, brand new, 50s-themed studio where she is able to take on an apprentice and host regular guest artists.

Can you tell she's a 50s-loving girl at heart?? The new studio at Brisbanes Archerfield is to die for. Ensconsed within a large shed, the lower floor is home to her 2 caravans which are in fact mobile tattoo studios, an enormous tiki bar and lounge area, flamingos, an arbor, and lots of 50s outdoor furniture, all set on the largest amount of astro-turf I've ever seen in one place.

Just one corner of the lower floor. Mimsy was kind enough to let VB in the pic

Inside the above caravan

Ready for inking!
 The upper floor is where all the action takes place. The reception area is a feast for the eyes, with artwork everywhere, original 50s furniture and decor items, there is even a retro bar full of rockabilly-inspired hairclips to buy.

Mimsy Gleeson in the reception area of her new studio

Above and below, some artwork I spied inside the tiki counter

Tattoo designs for Greazefest 2012
Mimsy shows us how its done

Stepping throught the reception area, we come to the waiting nook, shown above. This is where you sit and relax in style, just before getting inked.

Speaking of waiting, you'll need to be a patient person if you want to sport some of Mimsys work; this incredible lady is completely booked out until December!

Mimsys Facebook Page is where you can see and read all about her. The tattoos below are just a few that I chose to share with you here, but if you go to her FB page there are literally hundreds to peruse.

If you're keen to check it all out, Mimsy is having a HUGE open day tomorrow.

It'll be a grand day with live bands, food and even a jumping castle for the kids. Probably a great day to dress in your best 50s gear and take the hot rod out for a spin!

Living up to her name, here's Mimsy 'trashin' it up' at Greazefest 2012.

Mimsys Trailer Trash Tattoo
621 Lores Bonney Drive
Archerfield QLD
Ph. 3274 6645