
Sunday, November 28

Fresh Finds & New Faves

As I have constantly have fresh finds & new faves, I'll be making this a regular feature of this blog from now on.

So, on with the show!

50s wire planter with minimal rust (for a change) and all 4 original feet.

 I've wanted one in this shape for ages but really I have nowhere to put it so it may go to the shop.

60s magazine rack which I think could suit a variety of retro or midcentury looks.

I love the curved shape, quite unusual.
Can you guess what this is?? No, I wouldn't be able to either, so look below...
It's a candle holder and vase in one. I've never seen one like this before, so please tell me if you have!
I'm not sure if this is older or newer than the candle holder I have in my kitchen (which I showed you here), I've seen a few styles of these but would love to know more about these.
The base is almost like a cake tin and I'd say the stones are a recent addition.

Lots is happening with jewellery at the moment, these are just a few of the rings I priced today.

Lastly, bonus of the week. Mixed in a bag of costume jewellery was this small 9 carat gold and diamond ring, and I'm keeping it perks of the job!


  1. That gilt and pearl ring is the most fabulous ring ever! I love it.
    The planter and magazine rack are definately things I'd have picked up. The candle holder is rather odd, I've never seen anything like it. xxx

  2. yes indeed we all need a perk now and then (plain white silk shirts and black cashmere always stay with me), Oh, along with Hermes.

  3. That's a great perk. I do like the mag rack too. xx

  4. I love that planter,and the candle holder/vase is insane!!!
    All those pretty rings! The magpie in me is hysterical!!!
    xxxxxxxxxxxxx you def deserve a good perk,doll!


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