
Monday, October 22

Finders Keepers & An Exciting Aventure

Gift from Sue
From a local estate

From the Brisbane Vintage Fashion Fair

From another local estate
For VB, from the Brisbane Vintage Fashion Fair
These are my latest favourite things...and yes, VB is getting her own vintage collection started now whether she likes it or not! But she must do, as she said "aah, pwi-tty" when I gave this 50s print, and promptly took it into her room and tried to hang it herself.

In case you missed my exciting news, I'm off to Darwin tomorrow, a quick 4-day trip to attend my best friends beach wedding. I'm matron of honour and knowing VB she'll walk up the 'aisle' with me just for the fun of it. I've chosen a fab flowing 70s lace maxi for the occasion with the brides' approval, so here's hoping it's wearable in Darwins staggering humidity!

I'll be back on Saturday with lots of news and pics to share. Although it's something of an outpost Darwin really is a lush tropical place which I know you'll enjoy seeing. I'm afraid I've been rather absent from blogland lately, not much news to tell as it's been all work work work. Nice to get a break...even though it means going somewhere even hotter.xx.


  1. They're all such lovely pieces. I especially love the Bo-Peep for VB and her reaction. Looking forward to seeing pics from your trip away and the dress sounds amazing of course.

  2. I love the painting with the swans and cygnets and the African lady ornament is stunning too. Have fun at the wedding...x

  3. The swans are dreamy. Very Ugly Duckling inspired. What fun and fab finds to share today!

  4. lush tropical outpost sounds very tempting right now. That modernist bowl is rather fab - so is Little Bo Peep

  5. I love the pictures.......and the dish black and yellow!!!
    you have such an amazing eye!

  6. Gorgeous things, love the yellow/black sculptural dish.
    Hope you and VB have a great time on your trip to Darwin. xxx

  7. LOVE the yellow and black "check mark" planter!

  8. Bo Peep rocks! Glad VB's inherited her Mum's love of all things retro.
    Have a fantastic time at the wedding and take loads of photos! xxx

  9. O,I've always fancied going to darwin! It'll be humid as hell,allright,but you'll be hot as hell,so I guess it'll all balance out!
    I rather like the swans print, and that quirky bowl!Bo Peep is a sweetie!

  10. I have a very similar African lady, which belonged to my parents. I just love it.

  11. Wonderful finds Kitty, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  12. I love all those pictures! Especially VB'S bo-peep it is PWETTYY.

    Have a fabulous time.


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