
Thursday, March 29

New To The Shop This Week- Viva La Rustica!

Do you love your vintage rusty, rustic, crusty, worn or wooden??

Looking for something ripe for upcycling??

We've had a virtual tonne of new crustic (as I call it) vintage come in to the shop lately, I've been rather slack on the blogging front lately, so here are some new additions over the past few weeks.

I'm particularly loving this 1940s galvanised post/letter box.

I'm getting a bit of an obsession with tin stuff lately, can you tell? Ha!

Tons of trios....

Two new old bathroom wall cabinets, this one 'shabby' the other is Art Deco with chrome railings and a pop-out mirror

1950s porcelain coffee grinder in perfect working order.

And more tins than you can poke a stick at.

I have some very exciting news to share with you all shortly, a big new project I've been working on (which has been sucking up all my time) can soon be announced.

Stay tuned folks!


  1. I love all of those crustic treasures. Now you've got me rather curious about your new project....looking forward to the big announcement! Xx

  2. Love the " crustic". The letter box is pretty fantastic! Very excited you are WAC bound. I had an epiphany about work and have decreased my space by one shop. I will tell you more about it soon. Xxxx

  3. Love the bathroom cabinet. Look forward to hearing your news, dee x

  4. Love the tin boxes, ahhhhhhhhhhh.
    i love and collect them

  5. Wow that coffee grinder is something. Much prettier than the modern bit of plastic tat I have. Oooh I wan't to see your latest project, I need some inspiration so I crack on with creative projects over Easter. xxx

  6. I'm a sucker for "crustic" ha ha! Love old patina stuff and chipped paint, all that. But best of all I love a good blue/white tea cup- so you are my cup of tea. How I would LOVE to peek inside your shop! Can't wait to hear your good news.

  7. That post box has me wistful and longing. Have wanted something vintage and kitschy to stuff mail in the kitchen as am tired of it piling up on the table. Too cute.

  8. Hey stranger! You've been missed!
    Love knackered, tatty old furniture, nothing I like more than a afternoon spent sanding stuff down and painting it (with a glass of something alcoholic, naturally)!
    Can't wait to hear your secret! xxx

  9. Lovely Lovely Lovely
    That post box is so awesome and I love the green and black magazine holder. The coffee grinder is so sweet & pretty.
    Can't wait to hear your secret news.

  10. I have missed your prosti ass!
    I love the tine and love all kinds of shabby wood.
    Cant wait to hear your great news amorcito.

  11. Lovely things, as always.
    There is clearly something afoot - what's the story, Kitty?! xxx

  12. I want it ALLLLLL...especially the tin pieces.

  13. "Crustic" is my new favorite word. What a hoot!

  14. Your crustic treasures are gorgeous. I love the shabby bathroom cabinet. Especially the little shelves each side. Big hugs for a happy Easter. Em x


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