
Wednesday, February 1

Stacks of Maxis...New to the Shop This Week

But it's not only no no!!!

We have all sorts of newies, from the 30s to the 80s.

All sorts of styles too, but I have to say that if georgette takes your fancy, you're in luck, there's tons to choose from!!

From short to long, from daywear to cocktail to evening, from pastel to retro loud, from size 6 to 16, we've got it all.

Hard to go wrong with red polka dots!!

This fab striped maxi is by famed Aussie label Silver Star.

I'm loving the print on this one!! Lucky (?) it doesn't fit me or I'd be keeping it, I think our Vix would look awesome in this.

And Nelly, here's some better shots for you...but sorry, I think Sue and I are keeping this one for our own special collection.

Are the sleeves the stuff of dreams or what?!

If you follow us on Facebook, you'll have seen some of these already...yes girls, we're aiming for world-maxi-domination, LOL!!

So have you picked a favourite yet??

Tough though, isn't it?? Tough for me too, I have the 'tough' job of sorting through them all and deciding which ones to keep, ha ha.


  1. I love them all but I have to say the red polka dot is my favorite....I watched How to Marry a Millionaire last night with the kids and Lauren Bacall had on a bell sleeved blouse on that you would have died for...The clothes back then were just amazing weren't they?

  2. They all have such perfect sleeves, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    I am coming over and getting all of them, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Much love, my dear Kitty

  3. What an ordeal having to choose which ones to sell and which to keep! I love that psychedelic one, you know me so well. The sleeves on that green one are perfection and the Silver Star is pretty special, too (bet you'd look amazing in it).xxx

  4. oohh those are lovely my favorite is the first little powder blue one its so pretty, soft and floaty. dee xx

  5. Gasp! Drooling. Lots. Love the red polka dot and the one above it and the max with the fabulous print.

  6. OoOOooO lots of lovely dresses.

    My fave would have to be the one you think would look great on Vix.
    I love the crazy pattern up on the top.
    Second fave the red polka dots.

  7. Gorgeous frocks. Yep, can totally see Vix in the print/black one, and Nelly would rock those crazy sleeves/wings on the green frock. I am rather taken with the purple/mustard stripey floaty number actually.
    You find such amazing things - I am envious! (Also of your figure - and all done without the aid of magic knickers or anything! You're a marvel!) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. I am already pictureing you in all of these fab frocks.
    I agree vixcita would look great in maxi one. Sarita in the crazy awesone sleeves frock.

  9. Ahhh so many lovely colours!!! I live closer to the mountain now so it will be even easier for me to duck up and visit. It has been a while. I think I need to convince Corey we should come for a drive up this weekend. Fingers crossed he agrees! Are the markets this weekend or next?

  10. Those are some crazy sleeves. I like the red polka dot one. X

  11. These dresses are all so gorgeous, especially teh red polka dot! Your blog is lovely, if you want to take a look at mine it’s at, if you’d like we should follow each other! :)

    xo Gillie

  12. fabulous and lovely colors and styles, love it!!! kissess!!!!

  13. Vix would look amazing in that black dress! The green one though omg those sleeves!! All the pretty dresses! How do you choose which to keep?

  14. Beautiful! :)

  15. LOVE the polka dots :O)
    have a great day sweets,

  16. You're right: Hard to go wrong with red polka dots!

  17. That blue floral one at the top totally looks like that pretty dress Julie Andrews wears in the love scene with the Captain in "The Sound of Music."


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