
Wednesday, February 8

My Latest Vintage Keepers

 You know I'm always out and about buying vintage, don't you?

Here are the latest few pieces I've kept in the past couple of months.

Above and below, an enormous polka dot bowl, perhaps a fruit bowl, which matches the polka dot set I showed you here.

Love that atomic shape on the feet!

I also got the ashtray...and you know how I am with ashtrays. Thanks to Sue and here reference-book-buying habit, I now know that this set dates to 1957 and was made by H.G.Woods in England, although most pieces are unmarked.

Another Dallas Simpson print, I'm slowly getting together a few of these and will hang them all on a 'kitsch wall' when I have enough.
I wasn't really looking for more ashtrays, but when old advertising ones come my way for free it'd have been rude to say no, right??

Lovely Art Nouveau coin silver trinket set, another freebie :)

50s gooseneck standard lamp, I've wanted one of these for ages and it's the best thing ever, in fact it's due to go to the shop at some point but I hope that day doesn't come too soon.
This one's not my fault either, Mum found it for me at a local flea market.

Very-completely-fabulous lucite cigarette or trinket box

Echoes of Deco in this sleek ashtray

I love the way all these 50s ceramics are shaped and have such high raised sides.

Last but not least, another miserable child print, purchased from the WAC just 2 weeks ago.


  1. you are right, the lucite box IS fabulous

  2. I can't wait for you to get a space at the WAC so I can see you more. I met your friend....Becky I think who has a space there....I am terrible with names. Love all your finds xxxx

  3. Wow what awesome goodies! I love the lucite box!

  4. Love it all, dear Kitty

  5. Great stuff! I love the lucite box.
    adorar the polka dot bowl and ashtray.
    I am going email you now amor.


  6. Err, I'm sorry about this, Kitty, but there seems to be some mistake. I think that silver set and the lucite cigarette box are actually meant to be mine. And the lamp. So if you can just rectify that by sending them over. Thanks!
    Beautiful treasures, as always my dear! xxxxx

  7. oohhh loving the black and white polka dots those are both lovely pieces ;-) i really like the Dallas print to these are so sweet. dee xx

  8. *OOOOO* That black and white ashtray is totally amazing. And the lucite box is FAAAABULOUS! Sometimes I think you have all the luck.

  9. That ashtray is adorable! Following you! =)

  10. Loving those freaky kids, I have the waif in the headscarf on the Wall of Misery. xxx

  11. Oh delicious goodies galore:)). I love all the ashtrays so much, especially the gorgeously kitsch pink one - shame I don't smoke anymore but I find them very handy for my dressing table clutter and small change. Would love to catch up soon love, but prob won't be for a while - health stuff. Hope you and your gorgeous wee lassie are doing well xoxoxo

  12. O,that spotty bowl and those ashtrays!!! Divine,darl!!!

  13. I love the polka dot plate, that's so cute. These little vintage finds always make me smile. xxx

  14. I love the first print! The second one is a bit more miserable...


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