
Monday, January 23

New To The Shop This Week

As always we have a wide variety of new treats to tempt you with this week :)

Fabulous, HUGE, retro wooden wall plaque, huge size, I can see certain Kiwis loving this one
1950s wicker box purse, ideal for the beach

We're big on vintage desk items at the moment, how fab is this rare triple in/out tray?

Gorgeous and rustic wooden wine box, see below the inside

Fantastic 50s wooden serving tray, love the toothpick holders in the middle!

Great for kids VBs age, old cane rocking horse

60s Samsonite mock croc suitcase or large briefcase

And for all you green bakelite fans, there's some newies in the kitchen too.

How cool is this green bakelite thermos, complete with original cork stopper and screw-on lid

And a huge bakelite citrus juicer, yum!!

Great compact size on this antique solid silky oak dressing table

Hard to do it justice in a photo but I have to say I'm proud of this one, my latest major project :)

We have quite a few new hats too- do you love the orange feather on this one, or do you love it!

Calling all 50s girls, you'll never go wrong with a black velvet beaded cocktail hat like this.

Of course there's lots more than'll just have to come on in for a personal look!


  1. So much gorgeousness! I adore that dressing table. And the hats, the serving tray and the wicker bag are fabulous. You do find such wonderful treasures. xxxx

  2. I love the Wicker purse.
    That cane rocking horse is so cool.
    Serving tray is quite neat and the bakelite thermos completely blows my mind.
    I totally adore that velvet beaded cocktail hat. HOW CUTE!

  3. OHHHHHHH,mine eyes be dazzled!!!
    I certainly like that wall plaque,most unusual!
    So many beautiful things,even what I ordinarily don't get excited over,like bakelite,is rocking my world today!That dressing table is a beauty!I don't own one,not enough space!But I do fancy them lately!XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  4. Office goodies are so much fun, especially if you can find new ways to use them. You find the niftiest things!

  5. Bakelite goodness! I am in love with the flowery pearl hats.
    Vanity is gorgeous.

  6. oohhh the bakelite rocks my boat ;-)) dee xx

  7. Stunning dressing table. I feel I should be allowed more than one.

    The wicker rocking horse is quite unusual - his sire was a coffee table, his dam a conservatory recliner...

  8. How gorgeous is that basket purse!? You have the funnest stuff in your shop!


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