
Friday, January 20

Frock Friday- Maxi Power

What a truckload of maxis we have bought this week!! Not to mention vintage nighties, day dresses, 60s, 70s and 80s dresses.

I think Nelly would fall over and faint if she saw how many angel-sleeved maxis we now have...I know I nearly did.

And Sue did her first-ever clothing buy-woo hoo!!

I don't think I can quite explain how well she'll just have to wait and see, as I'll be showing you the maxi-mum heavenlies she came home with over the next few weeks.

You can also keep up with our latest by liking our Facebook page, I'll be adding photos every day over the next week.

On another note, I'm currently unable to comment on blogs with embedded comments. So, Nelly, Coedith, Heidi, Miss Claire, Mel Coconut, and others, please know that I'm not ignoring you :)


  1. That is just perfect Margotness! I love it, love the colour, love the style, it's great! X

  2. Look at you rocking that maxi frock! Can't wait to see what other fab things you have to show us! Xx

  3. Ohhhh ive been checking them out on FB, can't wait to see the others.....this mumma might be needing a dress.

    By the way I am loving the second pic of you on that lip colour.

  4. Yep I fainted then picked myself up and drooled a bit and that was just over ths sleeves on this one.Would need smelling salts if I saw them all I am sure xx

  5. OMG that is gorgeous. Can't wait to see all the others. Wish i could find more vintage clothes. Shopping is pants here at present. dee xx

  6. WOWIE ZOWIE! That purple is divine!!! And perfecto with the yellow flower. Sounds like an exciting week of buying, I'm so very jealous! You look gorgeous with your hair up in a big bun!

    Xoxox Claire

  7. *Whistle Whistle*
    The color of that maxi just POPS, I love it! You look totally beautiful in it too.

    Just reading about your vintage luck makes me (HOPE AND PRAY) One day I will stumble upon a place with dresses and nighties a plenty & they will be dirt cheap too.


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. stunning........and loving the hair do.....makes me miss long hair but I'll keep working the bob for a bit!!

  10. I love you in this color....I wish we had your lovely store close I think you could cure my winter blues.....Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Oh. My. Word. Kitty. The dress... The yellow flower.... The do.... All bloody gorgeous. Can't wait to see more of your maxi haul. xx

  12. What IS going on with you at the moment, Kitty, you are looking more beautiful in every post!
    Amazing colour, amazing frock. And I am so curious to see all your other finds. xxx

  13. Stunning as always !!! Love the colour .

  14. Yes,I just clicked yesterday that it's the embedded comments I'm not able to use either!!!
    Kitty, I have this frocks twin!In turquoise,but it has been shortened at both hem and sleeve at some point!I love it and I love yours!!That colour!Spectacular against your lovely fair skin!!!
    ooo,yes,Nelly will spin over all your angel sleeves!Yumcious!
    Yay for Sue and her first clothing buy!!!

  15. That colour is so perfect on you Kitty. I love it, and the touch of yellow is sooooo perfect.
    Enjoy your Sunday, dear friend

  16. the colour of this dress is so great. love it's sheer pleated sleeves so much.

  17. I love this fuschia bright color, you maxi angel!
    The added flower is divina...loving your bright eyes.
    Good on sue for finding maxi stash.
    Cant wait to see all the lingerie.

  18. What a gorgeous dress! I love that color on you it really looks good with your skin :)
    Can't wait to see all the lovely stuff!

  19. The color of this dress is so pretty.


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