
Sunday, September 4

A Quick Update

If you don't know already...and I feel like you do, because I think I've told the whole world...but in case not *quite* everyone knows, yet...

On Thursday I had surgery to have 4 teeth out, so I won't be back in blogland properly for another few days.

Thanks so much to those who have asked- yes, I'm recovering well enough so far, and the mushy-food-only-with-a-straw thing is proving most excellent for my ongoing diet.

I'll be reading your blogs as usual but maybe not commenting much for another couple of days...I found out that strong painkillers make for wierd typos...LOL!


  1. You poor thing.....I hope your feeling like your old self soon...typos can be fun!
    Have a good rest of the weekend!

  2. Bubbly helps the painkillers take quicker effect!! hahahaaaaaaa
    Worst thing about painkillers & mushy food,though,is constipation......ugh....
    Take care fo yourself,sweets.I had all 4 wisdoms out in one go, and it was traumatising! XXXXXXX

  3. I hope you recover quickly Kitty. We will all be waiting here for you to be back in tip top shape.

  4. Sorry to hear about your teeth!I have had 2 of my wisdoms out and it wasn't fun. I need to get two more out but I want to wait till after the wedding.

  5. Oh gosh, Kitty, I hope you're feeling better asap! Nothing worse than teeth pain :( Whatever you do, don't wait until the last lot of painkillers wears off before taking the new dose - I always do that and regret it!

  6. Poor darling Kitty I hope you are feeling back to your old self soon.I cant imagine the pain as I have never had to go thru it with my teeth,(bar an eye tooth removed when I was 13) xx

  7. Hope you are feeling better soon! -T

  8. aawww you poor thing i didn't know i have missed your last post. I hope you feel better real soon. Take lots of care, dee x

  9. I forgot about that which is weird because I have had an annoying tooth which has been reminding me of you...does that make sense, anyways hope you are feeling better soon xx Katherine

  10. Take care of yourself and hope you are on the mend soon.

  11. Oh you must be so relieved that it's over Kitty - and hopefully you'll feel like a new woman when you've recovered.

    Take care!

    Sarah xxxx

  12. You poor love, I wish I could nip over and knock you up a flask of homemade soup.
    Get well soon! xxx
    PS Parcel arrived and I ADORE it! Blog post soon. You rock. xxx

  13. Hell's bells I hope you're looking after yourself - four at once is a nightmare ... you are the incredible shrinking woman! Big hugs to you hon xoxo

  14. Amorcito,
    Hope your recover soon and hope this is the end to going to the dentist.
    about the commenting,its okay.
    I dont know what else to do. some readers are getting updates some are not ,but I am showing up on dashboard forsure.


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