
Friday, June 10

Frock on Friday

I just bought this fab dress on Monday and have been dying to show it to you all, and what better excuse than Frock on Friday?
It's a late 20s crepe, the tailoring is superb and it fits me beautifully. It needs quite a bit of mending (not to mention steaming, woops!) but it was cheap so I'm not complaining.

I love the sleeve details but it was hard to get a good pic. Ring, gift from darling Vix.

Paired with 40s grosgrain topper, a bit too tatty to sell so *damn* I might just have to keep it too, LOL.

Who else is doing Frock on Friday?? I've got my eye on you all!


  1. I'm like you, if its a bit too tatty to sell I keep it for myself...

  2. You look wonderful in that outfit.I was thinking of doing the frock on friday but coz its been so bleeding cold today I didnt want to get out of my warm things ha ha stay tuned maybe next week I will join in. xx

  3. It is BEAUTIFUL. I am extremely envious xx

  4. Oh.My.God! You look like a film star. That dress fits you beautifully, please don't sell it or I'll be frocking angry with you. xxx

  5. Oh very nice!

    One of these days I'm going to buy a few vintage clothes lol... I have about 5 pieces purchased years ago, nothing I wear.

  6. Oh my, amor keep that frock, you remind me of Lucille Ball, I also adore the detail and fabric of this dress, hat makes you look sophisticated.
    I'm have already frocked.
    have a great weekend!

  7. The dress looks as though it was made for you! I am sure after a slight steaming it will be perfect. ;)

  8. What a lovely look great.I didnt participate today.Feeling blah

  9. You look like you stepped out of a time machine, perfect!

  10. You look like one of those high powered rich society dames in the thirties movies! And gorgeous!! Frockin' A!

  11. Holy SHIT you look wonderful in that outfit,Kitty!!! OMG,I LOOOOOVE it!Beautiful!
    Love that closeup,I adore your redhead complexion,so classic!xxx

  12. Tres chic bambino!I am your newest liker and I was thrilled to see that you re (kind of) local. I will head up your way soon. I love, love, love your tobacconist collection.

  13. By the way! You won my ASHTRAY give a way!!! Look at my blog tomorrow for your prize!

  14. You look hot who cares if it needs steaming ;-)) It looks great, dee x

  15. Thanks for your feedback is what I suspected. Saying that, I stayed up all last night, watching a Joan Crawford movie (very apt) and loading some dress patterns onto a new Etsy shop. ( and got one sale immediatley! Maybe if I get some lovely quality vintage like yours I will do ebay.

  16. Fabulous and very chic! The ring is perfect with it too xx

  17. FEK ME!!!! How did I miss this????????? How, how, how??!!! You're a silver screen queen right down to your sparkly eye shadow and luscious red lippy - GOD you look totally amazing:))) xoxo


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