
Thursday, May 5

My Latest Vintage Dresses

Although the girls on Miss Chrissys vintage shopping tour and the myriad of weekend customers visiting for the Gasoline & Garterbelts Festival did their level best to clean us out of vintage dresses (click here to see Super Kawaii Mama and her small motherlode of purchases on second visit), I always have *ahem* quite a few in reserve.

Isn't this a gorgeous 50s dress! And guess what? I can fit *one* leg or arm in it, ha ha!! Yes it's a tiny size, for some reason we seem to have lots of petite customers so it's time to restock for them.

I couldn't decide whether the indoor or outdoor photo looked better, what do you think?
This 100% wool 50s dress would have been called 'very smart' in its day. Much nicer in person than in a photo, not helped by this bodyforms wierd lack of hips. Too bad I can't give her a few inches of mine!

Unusual and huge buttons which are decorative, the dress zips up the back.

Classic, simple 40s gabardine dress, I'm loving the peaked sleeves and sailor-style decorative buttons on the pockets.

This pic is true to colour, I love that this dress still has its original patent leather belt.
This one is something of a 'ring-in'; it's old but not vintage, I've had it carefully hanging in a wardrobe for so long I thought to give it an outing.

Let's see what the customers make of it!


  1. Ooooooo love the red one with the black buttons!!

  2. Loving the first one best ;-)) Stunning and the bow detail is so sweet. They really did make dresses small back then i am pretty lucky in that department ;-)) dee x

  3. Sigh - if I were a petite flower I would buy the first dress with and wear the brown hat from the previous post. Gorgeous, all of your selections, you've got the most awesome "eye"!!

  4. I so adorar the first dress with big bow, so pretty amor.

  5. Dear Kitty,
    I love them all but I'm especially drawn to that last one, I do so like a quirky design!
    Take care luv,

  6. Nice carpet ha! You certainly getting some amazing dresses. Fav would be the Katharine Hepburn! xx Katherine

  7. I'm so glad business is doing well and your dresses are flying out the door - but I cringe inwardly at missing out on all those gorgeous treasures, even if it's just to look at them up close:))). I love the first dress soooooo much - both pics are gorgeous but I get to have a sneaky sticky in your beautiful shop with the indoor shot;)). I love the 40s dress with the black buttons and belt. I just cannot fault the styles of the 40s - in fact I wore one today! xoxo

  8. Dear Kitty, the first one is great but I'm really intrigued by the last one. It's lovely! xx


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