
Sunday, April 24

Easter Sweeties

Brunch at my sister's house today, look at all the homemade lovelies we had to choose from. Next to VB is my sisters boy, now 8 months old, I call him 'the little freshie' as he's the baby of the family at the moment.

What have you been eating this Easter Sunday? Have you had too much chocolate, or have you been good??


  1. Happy Easter! VB and the baby are adorable. he cupboards are bare here and the shops are closed so it looks like a liquid tea tonight. xxx
    PS Loved your straight hair post, you total fox.

  2. Geeeee such lovely photos!

    And I thought about making cupcakes. What fun for the kids!

    Happy Easter, I have my basket of candy that will last me for weeks! Hope you have/had a splendid day!!

  3. mmm yummy cupcakes,I'm having my carrot cake in a bit.
    your little girl is so adorable with little vintage bangs,the bunny is a cutey too.
    Happy Easter Amor.

  4. aawww sweet pictures those cakes look yummy ;-) I have had a few little finger nail size eggs today that my children gave me from all there own stash which was sweet ;-) enjoy the rest of your weekend, dee x

  5. Hey Kitty, I love friands... and VB's haircut is so cute!

    Sarah xxx

  6. Happy Easter!!
    Little VB is just such a cutie pie, I love her hair!!
    Little freshie is a cutie too!

    I haven't got myself a chocolate bunny yet. =( lol

  7. yuuuum, it all looks so delicious. Thanks for the blog comment! x

  8. The lamps light up my little vintage lovin' heart! The kids are pretty darn cute too.

  9. PS. VB and the baby I meant. The cakes look good too though!


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