
Monday, March 28

Fashion Fair Pics

Even though I was really busy at the fair this weekend just past, I did manage to run around on Saturday morning before opening and take a few sneaky pics for you.

Yes, dear blog readers, I think of you all the time...ha ha

a better pic of the dress a couple of you admired (while ignoring my humungous lamp, naughty people!)

Fab shaping to the bodice, isn't it?

For Vix, here's a closer-up of that orange dress

Totally full-feather hat, I think I'd be too scared of ruining it to wear this, but what a stunning piece for a collector who is able to properly display things

Check out this crazy 80s dress!! I can SO see Jem in this!!!

Just like carpet, it has a pile!!!

I'm not so much for perfume bottles normally but this one was huge and really stood out, it's 1920s I believe

And last but not least, 50s swimmers...I don't think I'd dare try them on myself but I'd love to see someone in these!
Next up, the (dreaded!) outfit post!


  1. The floral dress is just... wistful. Too bad if I tried it on it would look like something being squeezed through a dress shape in a Play Dough Fun Factory. Loved taking a look.

  2. Ha ha Helen, if I'd tried it on I'd have totally ripped it at the seams, and as it was $250 I wan't going to risk it!

  3. That orange dress is stupendously beautiful! Thanks for the close-up. Love the crazy swimsuit and the hat. The floral dress is beautiful but even if I had the funds I know I'd look awful in it. xxx

  4. I love the huge perfume bottle,I collect perfume bottles havent came acroos one that feather hat is gorgeous. yes, I can see Jem in that colorful outfit.
    oooh outfit post amor.

  5. darling,the lamp is sublime!!! Humungous is the word!!!
    That first frock is absolutely stunning!!! OMG,I love it! I have a pattern from Vix that's similar that I want to make soon,that panel should trim me up a bit,I think!
    I dig the swimsuit,and the hat!!! O,so many lovelies!!!!!

  6. oooohhhh that first dress is just stunning, beautiful in fact i love the cut and shape and colour, well in fact i just love it ;-) dee x

  7. Again ...Love that dress thanks for showing us a close up and that perfume bottle too.

  8. I absolutely would wear both of those first two dresses -- assuming I could fit those tiny waistlines! :-)


  9. I love the first dress, ahmazing! I love floral dresses. xx


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