
Monday, January 31

Meet the Partner...Introducing Sue

Before I get started, the winner of the giveaway is the Vintage Coconut, with the name Astrid. Thank you, I love it! Please email me your details, little coconut, and I'll send your goodies off asap.

And now for Sue!

A true redhead like myself, we are often mistaken for sisters when out together. I met Sue when selling at an antique fair a couple of years ago, she took one look at my table, bought all my best stuff and we became firm friends.

Although she's been buying and selling for quite some time, Sue's never delved into vintage clothing. But with the pedigree &history she has, she definitely should- check these photos out!

Meet the QUEEN of matchy-matchy, my friends! Sue had this suede suit, handbag, hat and shoes hand tailored in Hong Kong in the early 80s. International travel was high on the agenda for Sue in those years, she used to travel around training racehorses for wealthy types.

Not quite visible here with this late 80s pantsuit are a pair of gold snakeskin stilletoes.

The jumpsuit of choice in the mid-70s, oh yes, it's GOLD PLASTIC!!!!
Never one to blend in with the crowd, here she is with the mauve maxi brigade.

Go a bit further back and the fashion pedigree only strengthens. Sues mother was a model, here she is at Smith & Caughy in Auckland in 1953.

What 50s lover wouldn't want one of these fabulous party frocks? 

Another modelling shot, I love the long gloves. And hows the old lady with the fur in the background there?!

No wonder she was a model, LOOK AT THE SIZE OF HER WAIST!!

Le sigh.  Were we ever that thin?


  1. I want to go into the past and steal the red and gold jumpsuits! x

  2. Oh my god, my Mum had a gold plastic jumpsuit, too, that takes me back a bit. I love that picture of her and her friends in the 1970's, such fabulous outfits. xxx
    PS Well done, Little Coconut!

  3. Hmmm oh my, I used to have a gold bikini in the same material back in the day!!

    Wonderful to have such a good friend!

  4. I'm away from your blog for just one week, and I've missed out on all the fun! - a Name The Mannequin contest, a Pre-Opening Party... I need to visit more often. Astrid is a perfect name, by the way. Congrats to Vintage Coconut!

    It was nice meeting your partner Sue! Anyone who would be daring enough to wear a gold plastic jumpsuit must be great fun to be around. :-)

    As for her model mother's waist - oh my gosh! I haven't had a waist that size since I was 13. But I was a stick.
    - Susan

  5. I sat down with my morning coffee and read your your beginning words in the dashboard and almost fell off my chair! lol
    Thank you!!
    Now if I do get away with putting Astrid in my future childs name. Please don't tell her I helped name your mannequin with it too. =D

    I will send you my info right now.

  6. About Sue.. Holy heck did she wear some outfits!
    The top matchy matchy reminds me of Mary Poppins. That gold plastic jumpsuit is out of this world. I used to wear a silver plastic halter!! LOL I was probably around 17 at the time but I did adore that thing more than anyone would ever know.
    Those 50s outfits are gorgeous and Sues Mom's waist.. WOW!!
    I have never been that small!

  7. Oh Dear, What ever was i thinking of ! what a fashion disaster in the gold & at 15-16 years old I thought i looked so cool ! Penny if i still had it you would be welcome to it LOL
    Perhaps Kitty would like to share with us all a few of her old fashions in the 70s, now thats something I would like to see......
    Lovely to meet you all

  8. Dear Kitty, Sue sounds great. And what brilliant pictures! The suede suit and the gold jumpsuit are particular highlights. In answer to your last question, I never had a waist that small. I have a figure more like an ironing board which has filled out with age! xx

  9. Gorgeous Gold Jumpsuit! Wowser - no wonder you found each other! And Astrid is a perfect name - does anyone else love Astrid Gilberto?

    Sarah xxx


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