
Wednesday, October 6

This One is for Keeps!

As you may know I've been doing more and more furniture recently, largely due to the fact that I now have space in which to store it.

I've been quietly looking for a china cabinet for myself over the last few months, and look what I found last week!

I can't believe I found a mid-century cabinet! I thought for sure I'd end up with an antique one, as thats mostly what I see. This one is teak too-joy!

Obviously there's nothing in it yet, there is a shelf that sits in the middle as well, but I'm still in the process of cleaning it. I'm guessing it has never been cleaned and sat in a room where people smoked indoors, because I've already used a full roll of paper towel, several rags and a half a bottle of cleaning product on it, and still it's nowhere near clean. Aargh!

I also picked up this little beauty, a mid-century planter box. I have vague memories of this type of piece from when I was child but I can't place it. If any of my readers are familiar with these, please comment and tell me what you know.

Apologies for the dodgy photos, obviously this is far too big for me to lug around for a better photographic background than under my house. As you can see the LHS is like a trough, the gilt-edged black piece simply lifts off and has empty space underneath.

On another note, I now have 50 followers, yay! A big welcome to all my new followers, and thanks to everyone who's stuck with me from early on. Another giveaway is coming soon!


  1. Awesome finds,they are absolutely fantastic! I have been looking for a cabinet & a sideboard myself,also a lamp or nesting tables but living out in the sticks they are hard to come by.Congrats on picking up such lovely pieces.
    Oh & congrats also on 50 followers:)

  2. What a glorious piece of furniture, I love those splayed legs. Great find!
    I used to work in a factory which was like a timewarp, they had some of those planters in reception stuffed with the most horrendous plastic ferns. xxx
    PS Well done on reaching your 50th, well-deserved, I must say.

  3. love the china cabinet and LOVE LOVE LOVE the planter!!!

  4. i have to love the legs. dead giveaway for the time period gorgeous pieces. china cabinet is easiest to comment on. it is perfect in every way. can't wait to see what dishes get to live there!

  5. OMG that sideboard, I FEEL SICK! It IS perfect in every way just as sam said above. I absolutely love both, but the sideboard I might die for.

  6. I meant to say Planter box not sideboard, lol. ANYWAY, again...the coolest planter in the world!

  7. ooohhhhh!!! Love that cabinet,Kitty!! She's a beauty! Can't wait to see her all spruced up and full of your treasures!
    I remember planters like those in reception at my highschool in

  8. Yes thats the big question now folks, what to put in it! Helga, THANK YOU! I knew I'd seen these planters somewhere...

  9. Hi there!! What a gorgeous cabinet and I love your blog too! Have a great weekend! x

  10. Wow what a great cabinet, it is gorgeous!!

  11. Interesting cabinet. At first glance, it reminded me of the shape of a large record player cabinet my parents used to have at their cabin. I cannot even begin to count the number of times that I listened to the Mary Poppins record on it!


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