
Saturday, September 4

Saturday is Fair Day

We did the big trip to Nambour today, as planned, and as usual we came up with a few choice finds.

An old white-painted seagrass table.

Cane rocking chair.

Blue/grey velvet bedroom chair. I'm particularly taken with this one, as my grandmother used to have a similar one when I was very young.

Bamboo wall shelf.

By now you'll see a theme developing here. I've suddenly developed an obsession with buying vintage cane/wicker/bamboo/rattan stuff.

 I have no idea why, I just kinda get a thing for something...and run with it.
But I am NOT running towards shabby chic. Hell no!

White-painted seagrass chair.

Poor old blog, it never gets the good photos These were taken very quickly as the van was being unloaded. Oh yes, the van! It acquitted itself beautifully, the 4 of us fitted in fairly well even with all this stuff packed in.

Aside from what you see here, we also fitted in 2 smallish art deco tables

This wicker chair is pretty modern I think, and not to my taste, but then I don't have to like it, do I?

Look at this poor 50s planter; some silly bugger has just resprayed it brown. Bleugh!
Obviously it has to be white again before I do anything with it!

Nice little wooden canister set with dovetail joinery. Cute, but not to my taste.
I kept an eye out today for the cream and blue bakelite 1930s canisters I'm after, but even with over 250 stalls to browse, I didn't see a single one.

Retro red rotary dial phone. These were the standard telephone installed in Australian households from about 1969 to 1982. They are now quite collectable, depending on the colour. Luckily for me, red is currently the most popular.

And last but not least, a nice retro ashtray, knocked down from $42 to $10.

Bargain of the day!


  1. Great finds!

    Love the wicker/bamboo/rattan... Yeah, when I get an obsession with something, I run with it too.

    My obsession for handmade mid-century pottery by non-famous artists and craftspeople my latest obsession...

    Obsessions are what makes life worth living! =D

  2. My favourites are that glorious ashtray and the rotary dial phone. I've got a red one, too. Ivory and olive were the GPO standard colours in the UK and you had to pay extra to upgrade to racey red. xxx

  3. The planter is so sweet, I also love the canister set & red rotary.
    I have a very similar ashtray mines yellow and clear I love it!


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