
Monday, August 16

Are You Nautical Enough??

Looking to garner your opinions here, folks. What do you think of this brooch? Would you wear it? And how old do you think it looks?

Sometimes, an age description of 'vintage' just isn't informative enough! I find it's better to ask people.
Would you say it's 60s, early 50s, late 50s, or even earlier?


  1. Isn't it pretty? I love the crossed oars at the top. I'd definately wear it, I've got a lovely anchor brooch in the same tones it would go a treat with.
    Don't know about the age, I'd go fifties. xxx

  2. Thanks Vix, I'm thinking 50s too, like post-war Japanese.

  3. I'm thinking 50s but often touching it seems to determine age too, do I sound crazy or does that make sense? I love it, Nautical stuff it fabulous!

  4. I'd wear it, for sure! It looks older than '60s to me, but I'm certainly no expert.The nautical theme seems like something that would be more popular in the '40s or '50s.

  5. I would not wear it but I would love it just the same. I would date it to the 1940's or 1930's if the clasp is a hook and not a safety lock. It looks like it is made of carved celluloid plastic. I think it is probably not 1950's. I am a self-proclaimed vintage jewelry expect, selling costume jewelry for years now. Here is a link to my blog with a post I did on vintage bracelets:

    Stop by and visit. I love company!

  6. Roughly 1950's, but the pin back may help better determine.

    Sweet pin. Nautical is not my personal theme, but I adore it. =D

  7. Thanks so much everyone for your comments. I bought the brooch!


I KNOW you've got an opinion! Why not share it?