
Sunday, July 18

Feeling Very Fifties

I've been channeling the classic 50s housewife in a big way since moving house; the last 2 days and nights have been a continual process of unpacking, sorting, putting away, cooking, shopping and general VB-caring.

To that end, all this domestic activity inspired me to show you one of my latest random purchases, a red gingham 50s dress with white daisies around the neckline and pockets.
Photo taken in my new bedroom, which came equipped with this Art Deco dresser. Unfortunately the mirror has some damage (no it's not dirty) but its a nice piece and really suits the house. 
Worn with a vintage petticoat, a matching gingham headscarf and a bakelite and lucite rod bracelet I bought from Mike and Lizzie. 

I'm still battling horribly with self-photos for blogging though, so I may have to show you this dress again at some point!


  1. How odd! Blogger ate my comment!
    I adore you in this beautiful 1950's number, the headscarf and daisy trim are beyond fabulous.
    I have an Art Deco dressing table languishing in the hellhole known as the garden shed. I have great plans for revamping it when that bloke of mine gets from under the VW and decorates the spare bedroom. Vix xxx


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