
Friday, September 10

Too Busy for Words

It's been my by-line this week. Too much stuff got in the way this week, and it's not over yet.

My sister had her baby, I took my grandmother here and there, I'm having a garage sale tomorrow, and I've hatched a big plan with Sue, which will be great when it happens, but is time-consuming in the meantime (I'll tell you all about it when the time comes, I'm so excited!). Then it's a 4am call on Sunday morning to go to a big swap meet.

Is it any wonder I've been falling asleep at 10pm each night this week with blogs and emails unread and comments un-left.

So- as I've not had time to do any photos of my own, and because I was planning a couple of outfit posts, I'll show you a few things I'm liking at the moment.

60s shift dress, which would suit me, and might even fit me, although the seller has the bust listed as being smaller than the waist, which is rather odd.

This is stunning! Classic 40s styling, but with a 22" waist, this would never have fitted me. I love the back too, but again, this style (i.e. no bra) has never ever been an option for me. Le sigh. The grass is always greener, non?

And this next one I might actually buy! It's a 40s/50s cotton housedress, and I think it looks very comfortable and cool enough to wear in summer. Which is no mean feat, let me tell you.


  1. Congrats to your sister! Happy new Auntie-dom.
    I'm loving the top dress. I would suit you to a tee. Weirdly I was listing a dress this week with a larger waist than bust, mind you I was at the public baths this morning and I saw plenty of bodies with similar statistics. xxx

  2. Congratulations to your sister!!

    I love that 40s dress but a 22" waist? Does anyone have a 22" inch waist? if they do, damn them

  3. Public bath? Eep!

    Love the dresses, but only a 10 year old has a 22" waist lol...

  4. Hurrah for Auntie-dom!!
    I like all 3 frocks,I'm with you on the no bra never being an option!!Bums me out when I see a lovely frock like that red one.The 50's one is unbearably cute.Don't see many 50's frocks here.

  5. Most older clothing items are small, although I've been able to find a few that MIGHT fit me if I ever wore a dress. I love love love that housedress--reminds me so much of stuff my grandmothers would have worn. My dad's mom went out in public in her housedresses--my mom's mom wouldn't have been caught dead outside in one, and when we went to visit her she might have a housedress on but of course she also had her hair fixed, makeup on and wearing matching earrings and necklace!

  6. Congrats to your sister & to you on becoming an aunt:)
    I love the house dress,i have a bit of a thing for house dresses:)Happy hunting at the swap meet today.


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