
Saturday, July 24

Blending Vintage with Modern

Mixing it up is not something I do very often, so I thought I'd show you what I wore on another of my days out with my friend Sue. I apologise in advance for the dark pics, I had to take them in the late afternoon or not at all.

We went to an upmarket antique fair at the Gold Coast whose organiser we wanted to meet, so I didn't want to look frivolous.
I'm wearing a newish wrap cardi that ties at the back and basic beige straight-leg hipster pants.

Couldn't resist topping it off with my current favourite hat, a 1930s felt with a huge feather plume.
I also wore one of my favourite bakelite charm bracelets, which added a little bit of colour and quite a lot of noise :)


  1. I do love a noisy bangle! The hat is sensational and the wrap cardi shows off your glorious curves marvellously! Have fun xxx

  2. Looking most chic,darling!!
    I'm with Vix,noisy bangles are fun!


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